What’s Up?

#FitandAbel.com and #RealSwimAdventures; helping bored pool swimmers enjoy swimming again, since years ago.
After a great summer in the UK and a successful October Cook Islands RealSwim we are pleased the warmer weather has finally arrived in Christchurch, New Zealand. Yes another summer is on the cards for FitandAbels head coach, much to the chagrin of the team at http://www.h2openmagazine.com
The earlier a swimmer returns to the open water in the spring the more comfortable they start to feel as the water warms up. Shorter swims earlier ensuring you get out before the cold becomes too much are the key when starting out. Longer swims become more possible over time with adaptation and improved water temperatures. It doesn’t matter what stage of the year a swimmer gets in the open water if you haven’t been in for some time it will feel a lot different ~ don’t wait until the week of your event to make the transition!
What’s happening in Christchurch and New Zealand with FitandAbel and RealSwim Adventures this summer?
We are very excited to have launched the KPMG RealSwim Race series last week at Corsair bay. There is racing throughout December and into January and Feb. In January we will be racing at Naval Point on 27 Jan for the first time.
Our evening open water group fitness swims are happening every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday through until the end of Feb. These are filling up fast – you need to pre-register https://fitandabel.com/events-bookings/fitabel-summer-series/open-water-fitness-and-technique-series/
RealSwim Adventures ; Locally we have Quail island http://www.realswimadventures.com/adventure-tours/quail-island/ with swims happening throughout the summer. In January we’ll be at Epic Taupo followed by Nelson Lakes and later in 2016 we’ll be off to the Cook Islands again!
And don’t forget our Xmas stocking fillers … RealSwim Bags, Quail Island RealSwim Vouchers or a Private 121 swim coaching voucher are all swimmer pleasing Christmas ideas for loved ones and friends. Just ask us info@fitandabel.com
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